Design Modeler: ALL Levels
Price: Free
In this course, you will thoroughly learn how to design a 3D model. In addition, how to draw two-dimensional sketches is fully explained. Geometry drawing tools are fully introduced in Design Modeler software. At the end of the course, you will be able to model a complex three-dimensional geometry with the tools in this software.
This Course is presented so that it is as practical as possible so that the graduates after the end of the Course can work well with this software to produce the geometries required for CFD works.

Design Modeler: ALL Levels
In this course, you will thoroughly learn how to design a 3D model. In addition, how to draw two-dimensional sketches is fully explained. Geometry drawing tools are fully introduced in Design Modeler software. At the end of the course, you will be able to model a complex three-dimensional geometry with the tools in this software.
This Course is presented so that it is as practical as possible so that the graduates after the end of the Course can work well with this software to produce the geometries required for CFD works.
Section 1
In this episode, an overview of the ANSYS Design Modeler has been investigated.
Episode 1 14m 26s Free Episode
Section 2
2D Drawing
In this episode, familiarity with the general software work environment, general tools and familiarity with geometry control commands with the mouse have been trained.
Episode 1 3m 14s Free Episode -
In this episode, you will learn about all the 2D draw tools and their application with the examples.
Episode 2 11m 2s Free Episode -
In this episode, you will learn about the Modify tools and their applications with the examples.
Episode 3 12m 5s Free Episode -
In this episode, all Dimensions Tools are presented and you can learn about them with examples.
Episode 4 7m 4s Free Episode -
In this episode, Constraints Tools are discussed completely with examples.
Episode 5 9m 34s Free Episode -
In this episode, you will learn about all the tools in Settings Tab.
Episode 6 1m 24s Free Episode
Section 3
3D Drawing
In this episode, you will learn about the concept of bodies and parts.
Episode 1 8m 53s Free Episode -
In this episode you will learn about the Form New Part and Explode part and their applications.
Episode 2 3m 33s Free Episode -
In this episode, we have intruduced the Tree Outline and Generate button and their application in Design Modeler software.
Episode 3 1m 27s Free Episode -
In this episode, you will be familiar with Primary Features List and Share Topology.
Episode 4 2m 49s Free Episode -
In this episode, you will know the Extrude and its applications with examples.
Episode 5 9m 30s Free Episode -
Revolve and its application is intruduced completly in this episode with examples .
Episode 6 5m 50s Free Episode -
In this episode, The Sweep concept has been explained and its applications are intruduced with examples.
Episode 7 9m 41s Free Episode -
Skin/Loft Feature is intruduced in this episode with examples.
Episode 8 11m 59s Free Episode -
In this episode, you will learn about the Blend feature and its applications with examples.
Episode 9 6m 14s Free Episode -
Chamfer feature is intruduced completly in this episode and its application is discused with examples.
Episode 10 3m 59s Free Episode -
Thin/Surafe feature is explained in this episode and you can learn about this features with examples.
Episode 11 4m 38s Free Episode -
In this episode, we have intruduced the poist feature and its application completly . Then we have shown how to import points from txt files in Design Modeler software.
Episode 12 18m 37s Free Episode
Section 4
Advanced Tools
In this episode, We have introduced the Concept Menu and all tools in its subset menu with examples.
Episode 1 9m 25s Free Episode -
In this episode, you will learn about the Freeze and Unfreeze tools and their application with examples.
Episode 2 4m 9s Free Episode -
In this episode, Named Selection and Attribute have been intruduced with examples.
Episode 3 3m 13s Free Episode -
In this episode, you will understand completely about the concept of Mid Surface and Joint tools with examples.
Episode 4 2m 48s Free Episode -
In this episode, Enclosure has been intruduced with examples.
Episode 5 6m 27s Free Episode -
Face Split has been introduced in this episode and examples have been shown for better understanding.
Episode 6 6m 53s Free Episode -
In this episode, the symmetry tool has been introduced and its application has been discussed with examples.
Episode 7 6m 53s Free Episode -
In this episode, we have introduced the fill feature and its application with examples.
Episode 8 9m 13s Free Episode -
Surface Extension has been discussed in this episode and examples have been shown for better understanding.
Episode 9 2m 20s Free Episode -
Surface Patch has been discussed in this episode and examples have been shown for better understanding.
Episode 10 3m 22s Free Episode -
In this episode, the connect feature has been introduced and its applications have been investigated with examples.
Episode 11 9m 7s Free Episode -
Merge and Projection features have been introduced in this episode with examples for better understanding.
Episode 12 7m 47s Free Episode -
In this episode, you will learn about the patter with examples.
Episode 13 5m 17s Free Episode -
Boolean feature has been introduced in this episode with examples.
Episode 14 11m 40s Free Episode -
In this episode, Slice feature has been introduced with examples.
Episode 15 6m 42s Free Episode -
In this episode, you will lean about the Delete feature and its application with examples.
Episode 16 1m 39s Free Episode -
In this episode, we have introduced the Body Operation and its applications with examples.
Episode 17 8m 13s Free Episode
CADs Software has developed a lot in recent years. Computer-aided design (CAD) software is used to create, modify, analyze, or optimize a design. This software is used in many industries. In electronic design automation for designing electronic systems, mechanical design automation includes the process of creating a technical drawing. CADs are also used in many applications, including shipbuilding, and aerospace industries, architectural design, automotive, and many more.
Design modeler is one of the geometry drawing software provided by Ansys Company. This software includes tools for parametric geometry creation, concept model creation, CAD geometry modification, automated cleanup and repair, and several custom tools designed for fluid flow, structural and other types of analyses.
Your Learning
This course will thoroughly teach you how to design a 3D model. In addition, how to draw two-dimensional sketches is fully explained. Geometry drawing tools are fully introduced in Design Modeler software. At the end of the course, you will be able to model a complex three-dimensional geometry with the tools in this software.
This Course is presented so that it is as practical as possible so that the graduates, after the end of the Course, can work well with this software to produce the geometries required for CFD works.
Recommended Background
This course starts with fundamental topics in designing. All subjects are taught from the ground up, and participants in this Course do not need any background in designing with cad software.
Course Format
This Course is presented using video lessons. Each video is a mixer of presentations and training snippets recorded from the software environment.
Time Duration
The content of this course is more than 4 hours of instructional video.
This Course contains video lessons and final projects to get a certificate after finishing the Course.
This course is divided into four main lessons and some sub-lessons. You strongly recommend that you do not skip any of the sections even if you feel you know the content.
Chapter 1: Introduction
In this chapter, you will first see a general introduction to the software. Overview of ANSYS Design Modeler software and Familiarity with the general software work environment with a complete description of the general tools have been explained in this chapter. Also, at the end of this chapter, you will become familiar with the geometry control command with the mouse.
Chapter 2: 2D Drawing
Generally, in this chapter, you will learn about 2D drawing. How to make the general setting of the sketch environment and how to create a variety of two-dimensional geometries have been taught in this chapter. In addition, you will be familiar with 2D shape modification command, measurement methods, and geometric constraints.
Chapter 3: 3D Drawing
In chapter 3, you will learn about 3-D drawing in detail. Concepts of Bodies and parts, Tree outline, and Generate are taught at the beginning, and then, primary 3D features,s including share topology, extrude, revolve, sweep, skin/lof,t are discussed. Finally, as the last topic of this chapter, primitives tools are introduced.
Chapter 4: Advanced Tools
This is the last chapter, and in this chapter, first, you will learn about the concept menu and its submenu, including the line from points, line from sketches, edges, 3D curves, split edges, surface from drawings, and cross-sections. Then Advanced 3D features and tools including freeze and unfreeze, named selection, attributed, mid-surface, joint, enclosure, face split, symmetry, fill, surface extension, surface patch, connect, merge, projection, pattern, body operation, boolean, slice, and delete have been introduced and discussed in detail.
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