5h 12m 26s
  1. Section 1


  2. Section 2

    Volume Of Fluid (VOF) Multi-Phase

  3. Section 3

    Eulerian Multi-Phase

  4. Section 4

    Mixture Multi-Phase

  5. Section 5

    Open Channel Flow

  6. Section 6

    DPM (Discrete Phase Model)

    1. Episode 1 14m 29s
  7. Section 7

    UDF (User-Defined Functions)

  8. Section 8

    Corona Virus Dispersion

  9. Section 9


  10. Section 10

    Separation & Shock Wave

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ANSYS Fluent: ADVANCED — Ep 02

Particle Trapper by Gravity CFD Simulation

Run Time
21m 57s
Oct 20, 2024
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About This Episode

This ADVANCED level ANSYS Fluent CFD simulation tutorial explores the intricate dynamics of particle trapping in a gravity-driven flow system using the Discrete Phase Model (DPM). This episode is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of particle-fluid interactions and separation processes, with a specific focus on the application and nuances of the DPM approach in a trapping scenario.

Key aspects of this advanced-level simulation include:

DPM Setup: Detailed implementation of the Discrete Phase Model to accurately represent particle behavior in the fluid flow, including particle injection methods, size distributions, and material properties.

Gravity-Driven Flow Modeling: Techniques for simulating gravity-driven fluid flow in the trapping system, including appropriate body force terms and pressure gradient considerations.

Particle-Fluid Coupling: Advanced methods for modeling two-way coupling between the discrete particles and the continuous fluid phase, capturing the mutual influence on momentum and energy transfer.

Turbulence Interaction: Application of sophisticated turbulence models and their interaction with discrete particles, including turbulent dispersion effects on particle trajectories.

Boundary Condition Configuration: Setup of appropriate boundary conditions for both the continuous phase and discrete particles, including inlet flow conditions, particle injection parameters, and outlet conditions.

Convergence Strategies: Advanced techniques for achieving and monitoring convergence in DPM simulations, including appropriate under-relaxation factors, time-step sizing for particle tracking, and residual scaling.

Advanced Post-Processing: Utilization of ANSYS post-processing tools for detailed analysis of particle trajectories, trapping efficiencies, fluid flow patterns, and particle concentration distributions, including advanced visualization techniques for discrete phase simulations.

This advanced-level training aims to enhance participants’ expertise in simulating and analyzing complex particle-laden flows using the Discrete Phase Model in ANSYS Fluent. It provides insights into the intricacies of particle trapping mechanisms, preparing participants for real-world applications in environmental engineering, industrial separation processes, and particulate matter control systems.

The tutorial focuses on sophisticated setup, solving, and analysis phases of the CFD simulation. This approach allows students to master advanced DPM techniques, apply complex particle-fluid interaction models, and interpret detailed results in the context of gravity-driven particle separation systems.

Participants will gain valuable experience in handling advanced CFD simulations involving discrete particles, equipping them with the skills needed for complex analysis in process engineering, particularly in the design and optimization of particle trapping systems. This knowledge is crucial for projects involving air and water purification, industrial filtration, and the development of efficient particle separation technologies.

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